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Study Skills Start at… School

Developing strong study skills takes practice, with time management, focus and organization all coming into play. Learning good study habits starts in the Lower School and continues throughout students’ time at Tower Hill — and can be reinforced at summer camp

Preschoolers start to organize their world with activities like sorting objects, counting and following a schedule. By first grade, students start homework and note taking, with teachers broadening skills—from identifying story structure to deciphering math word problems—in subsequent grades. “It’s a part of everything that we do,” Head of Lower School Jackie Hamilton said. “It’s all about process.”
By Middle School, study skills by grade are clearly outlined and shared at the beginning of each year with students. Fifth graders in particular work with their teachers and advisors to make sure they write down assignments, bring home the correct materials and have a study plan in place before tests. Binders and checklists help middle schoolers manage course workload without getting overwhelmed. “Eventually they start to internalize all that as they get older,” said Head of Middle School Paul Capodanno.
For rising fifth through twelfth graders, Tower Hill offers a “Study Skills for Success” camp during summer. Since each individual develops a unique learning style, students should realize that it may be necessary for them to find ways to adapt accordingly. For more information, click here or contact Frank Singles at