Head of School
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Thank You Parent Volunteers

Dear parents,
Our parent volunteers truly make Tower Hill tick. Thanks to our Green and White Club parent team for a terrific Casino Night last Saturday. Thanks to our Home and School volunteers for so much they do day in and day out. From the thoughtful Black History Month display in the main hallway of the school, to yesterday's well-attended Camp Fair in the Field House, these events and thoughtful touches truly ensure that we are a community that cares not only about ourselves, but about Wilmington and the world in which we live. 
Whether it is educating ourselves about the history and accomplishments of African Americans or inviting others to campus to learn about camp options, Tower Hill has the good fortune of operating from a position of strength, thereby committing to being a private school with a public purpose. We will continue to offer a rigorous, traditional education to each and every student, while also supporting our faculty in ongoing dialogue and professional development about how we deliver on this mission. Education today must be relevant, flexible and student centered — and at Tower Hill we are committed to these tenets, including offering our students opportunities that include partnerships and experiential learning. It is exciting to witness the agility and commitment of so many of my colleagues at Tower Hill, who are engaged in conversation, on committees and task forces, about a collective vision forward for Tower Hill. We want very much for parents to be part of this conversation, too! 
To this end, members of Tower Hill's Strategic Planning Committee, which include faculty, parents, trustees, administrators, alumni and two students, provided an update on their work to date at the Board of Trustees meeting this week, as well as engaging the board in a working session for feedback. The Strategic Planning Committee has worked many hours this fall, including a full Saturday retreat. I am inspired by the dedication and vision of this group, and not all schools include students on such a committee!
Tower Hill's Strategic Plan will be approved by the Board of Trustees at the end of this academic year, but not without a deliberate sharing and collection of feedback from all constituencies, including parents. You can expect to hear further about a Strategic Plan Update soon.
Enjoy the weekend, 