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Middle School Trips Offered to Puerto Rico and Quebec

The Language Department is offering students in 7th and 8th Grade French and Latin the exciting opportunity to travel to Quebec City from Jan. 21-25, 2016. We will immerse ourselves in the language, explore the Quebecois culture and taste authentic cuisine from the region while also enjoying the snow through tubing and dog sledding! 

The Language Department also invites seventh- and eighth-grade Spanish students to join the Puerto Rico trip next summer. Students will be surrounded by Spanish culture and language as they hike in the rain forest, swim in the Bioluminescent Bay, explore Spanish forts, speak to locals and eat typical food.
The trip will be from June 15 to June 19. Ms. Leader and Ms. Snyder are available to answer questions. Students must enroll and pay their first deposit by Friday, Oct. 30.

