Jefferson Awards

Our October Jefferson Award winner, Maryam Ismail '17, has a long record of volunteering for many organizations. She has volunteered 150 hours at Christiana Care, where she has given her time to the Joint Replacement Center, PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) and Genetic Counseling Office at the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center for Christiana Care. Working at Christiana Hospital and Wilmington Hospital the last three summers, she assisted patients and staff with a variety of tasks such as: answering calls, assisting patients to their cars/discharging patients, wheel-chairing patients around the hospital, delivering lunch trays, helping out in the kitchen, filling ice machines with ice and making ice packs, answering patient call lights, cleaning patient rooms and stretchers, making beds, refilling blanket and sheet bins, putting together hundreds of care packages, assisting in physical therapy classes, sorting and counting pills and organizing pill bottles.
At the Ronald McDonald House, she served over 100 hours — she gave tours, checked in families, loaded dishwashers, cleaned the kitchen, put out food and talked to families. She continues to volunteer there every Sunday. In addition, she helped run and throw the AI Hospital "Fire and Ice" prom for patients last year. 
Finally, she is a Youth Leader of her parents' non-profit organization, Circle of Hands, dedicated to facilitating intercultural and interfaith understanding between East and West. She is club leader of Animal Awareness and has been going to the SPCA with the school. Congratulations, Maryam!
—Ann Guzzetta '17