Winter Concerts

Dear parents, 

Yesterday was the first of our winter concerts, which featured the Middle and Upper School choirs. Each year, I am so moved by the voices and talents of our vocalists and musicians. Our student-musicians represent Tower Hill at events ranging from our Open Houses to this weekend's Delaware Art Museum festival and the Philadelphia Christmas Village.
At Tower Hill, the performing arts start young! This morning our Kindergarten performs their “Holidays Around the World" musical, written by our teacher, Sara Bush, and performed periodically at Tower Hill throughout the years. The full schedule of winter performances for all three divisions can be found here
While the bustle, lights and glitter of the holidays are all exciting, we can become confused as to what the true meaning of the season is all about. The music and voices of our children help to remind us that hope, courage, compassion, love and joy are surely the most important gifts of the season. I do hope you will bring your family to enjoy our students' gifts! 
Elizabeth C. Speers
Head of School