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The End of Tower Hill's 100th Year

Dear parents, 
As we complete Tower Hill's 100th academic year, on behalf of all Tower Hill teachers, I want to thank you for sharing your children with us.
Our word for the year was integrity. Our students grew, stretched, played, laughed, failed, tried again, succeeded, wondered, competed, sang, acted, painted, created, presented, calculated, served, made friends, helped, loved and lived with great integrity at Tower Hill this year. As a way of celebrating our students' yearlong achievements and giving thanks to you, our parents, for your loyal support of Tower Hill, I share the invocation from last night's Baccalaureate Service, which is held for our seniors and their families as they prepare for Graduation this afternoon:
Baccalaureate Invocation 
Eternal friend
Grant us an ease
To breathe deeply of this moment, 
This light, this miracle of now. 
Beneath the din and fury of great movements
And harsh news
And urgent crisis, 
Make us attentive still
To good news, to small occasions, 
And the grace of what is possible
For us to be
To do
To give
To receive
That we may miss neither our neighbor's gift, nor our enemy's need. 
Grant us a sense of humor
That adds perspective to compassion,
That adds surprise to joy;
Open our eyes to these signs
and our ears to the summons 
To follow something more
of justice and joy.
Adapted from Guerrillas of Grace by Ted Loder  
Have a wonderful summer with your children, and here's to the "grace of all that is possible" with and for our children in the months and years ahead.
Elizabeth C. Speers
Head of School