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Watch, Wait and Wonder

Dear families, 
I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday with your children. The Speers family hosted, which was lots of fun. Now with our own children back at college, the house is too quiet again. Luckily the Tower Hill community brings constant variety and wonderful energy from students and colleagues alike. 
As we navigate this festive and busy stretch of December, it is important to look around and marvel once in a while. No matter what tradition you may or may not observe or celebrate, this season surely includes anticipation, waiting, wonder and hope. Amidst a world that is too full of argument, mistrust and violence, it is easy to fall into fear mode. Fear mode can tempt us to close our eyes and ears, when instead hope calls us to watch, wait and wonder. 
Tower Hill is a school that is committed to inclusivity. As a school community we welcome the variety of traditions and symbols of the season, especially if they are meaningful to our students and families. We are a stronger, more vibrant and inclusive community when we celebrate the variety of religions and traditions amidst our community. As I wrote to our faculty this week: 
Watch, wait and wonder ... Watch your students, children and colleagues closely, as we all can learn with each other, together. Wait long enough for our students to share of themselves, to have the time to reflect and use their voice. Wonder at how each of our students is motivated and how each mind works. 
Thank you for sharing your children with us and for the hope they provide us each day, especially amidst this season. 
Elizabeth C. Speers
Head of School