Martin Luther King III Visits Tower Hill

On Tuesday October 9th, Martin Luther King III visited Tower Hill spoke at one of this years Forums. This year’s topic covers many different form of leadership in our country, community, and economy. Mr. King focused on characteristics that make a successful civil rights leader.
Like his father in the 1960’s, King emphasized the importance of peaceful tactics when fighting oppression. He also stressed the importance of open dialogue between two parties. According to King, conflicts can only be resolved when both groups are willing to discuss the issue at hand.

Another concern of King’s was poverty. Through a documentary being aired later this month called “Poverty In America," and his own foundation called “Realizing the Dream," King is taking strides to call attention to the growing problem. King believes that with increased awareness, America can greatly reduce the number of those living in poverty.

King’s final point was that we all must take a stand on civil rights regardless of our own skin color, religion, or background. Progress can only be achieved when everyone has equal opportunities and everyone’s voice can be heard.

by Virginia Nicholson, Class of 2008
